Epicenter of earthquake will be reconstructed as Smart Village Resident by NRN

 Laprakalai model making the Smart Village Resident Nepali Association and Nepal governments at President bidyadevi manager upasthitima Panmunjom on Sunday lapraka agreement has to be.
Some of the top of the old laprakavastibhanda daadaama are now sitting laprakabasi taatera tent. The same place to make smart Village Resident Nepali Association is ready. Sunday Reconstruction Authority, Urban Development Ministry and the tripartite agreement will be NRN sanghavica.

Agreement for Non-Resident Nepali Association President Shesh Ghale have arrived in Kathmandu.
Resident Nepali Association announced the 35 million bhukampalagattai build a house for a thousand rupees was collected. Association for reconstruction of the government initiative was approved the day long


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