Showing posts with label research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label research. Show all posts
How a street child became a leading artist

How a street child became a leading artist

Lita Cabellut is one of Spain's most successful artists, but she's barely known in her home country. What's more, the woman whose paintings now sell for six figure sums spent her early years living on the street.  "My childhood was like that of thousands of street kids around the world," says Lita Cabellut. She used to roam the streets of Barcelona with other homeless children and slept in the open air.
"We looked after one another - we did whatever we liked. We took coins out of the fountains, begged Zippo lighters from sailors and stole tourists' wallets. We used to go into restaurants and say our father was in the toilet when they served us, before wolfing down the food and running off."
Cabellut was born in a village in Aragon, north-east Spain, in 1961. While she was a baby, she and her mother moved to Barcelona. Her mother ran a brothel in the city and Cabellut was left with her grandmother - but in reality she spent most of her time out on the streets.
"I ran errands for the prostitutes. They gave me money to buy packs of cigarettes, sandwiches, condoms or jewellery, and I kept the change."
Looking back, she says that "art, of course, was there because art is always around us", but she didn't think about it in a formal sense - she was preoccupied with survival.
"A child never recognizes art as something separated. I sold imaginary stars on the streets. Is that not a true performance of art? But for me it was a way to survive."
 Avoid snacks to get rid of fatness.

Avoid snacks to get rid of fatness.

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During the study, more male than female employees snyaksalai is found agreeable. This research, published in the journal Appetite is
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The University Professor Alan pesile doing a research project which, if successful 70 percent of men's masculinity can be turned to increase. For the same misinterpreted her youth Young sukrakitako khatikaeko need be.

Professor Alan element called lycopene are up research. This element is found in the bark of bitter gourd. Here you can maximize the amount of elements sukrakitako use in males is unakoe believe.

If it is successful their research to overcome sterility in men and masculinity increase it received in the direction of the great success, he said